Genestra Defense-gen 0.5 fl oz (15 ml)


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sub Category:
Immune Support
Type of delivery:
Ingredient 1:
Black Alder Bud Extract
Ingredient 2:
Dog Rose Young Shoot Extract
Ingredient 3:
Silver Birch Bud Extract

Product Overview


Defense-gen- 0.5 fl oz (15 ml)


Product overview: Phytoembryotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that specifically incorporates plant embryological tissues (buds, young shoots, etc.) containing “plant meristem” cells – undifferentiated, fast dividing cells which contain the plant’s genetic blueprint and material. These embryonic tissues are rich in beneficial phyto-chemicals including: growth factors and plant hormones, enzymes, nucleic acids, oligoelements, and phytonutrients such as polyphenols and flavonoids. These embryological tissues are also utilized because many of the above mentioned components are lost in fully developed plants once chlorophyll is formed. These embryological tissues are also utilized because their energetic components are at their highest levels when they are harvested in the spring – the most active phase of the growth cycle.

Additional product info: Defense-gen is a combination Phyto-gen geared towards stimulating the immune system in acute conditions. Defense-gen stimulates the Kuppferian cells and the splenic macrophages as well as the immune defenses targeting viral eitiologies and inflammations of the mucosa. It is a great anti-inflammatory on the ear-nose-throat sphere and in repeated upper respiratory tract infections specifically within the early onset of mucosal suppurations. It is a great tonic in convalescent cases for both children and adolescents and for those with a demineralised, weakened and anemic terrain.

Other ingredients: Purified water, ethanol (grain), glycerin



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