Genestra Can-Albex 500X 1 fl oz (30 ml)


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sub Category:
Immune Support
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Ingredient 1:
Candida Albicans 100X

Product Overview

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Genestra Can Albex 500X- 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Suggested Retail: $17.20

• Candida Albicans • Homeopathic preparation in convenient liquid format. • Ideal for vegans • Convenient liquid format increases patient compliance

Can Albex 30X is a homeopathic nosode preparation and is part of the unique Can Albex Candidiasis Program, specifically formulated according to Materia Medica, to help relieve symptoms of a yeast infection and to help maintain natural resistance to thrush. Product ideal for vegans.

Additional product info: Helps to promote and maintain natural resistance to thrush and alleviate symptoms associated with yeast infection.

Ingredients: Candida albicans (Monilia albicans)................ 500 X



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