Energique AHI FLOWER Omega 3-6-9 4 oz


Fatty Acids
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Type of delivery:
Ingredient 1:
Omega 3,6,9
Ingredient 2:
Stearidonic acid
Ingredient 3:
Natural Flavoring

Product Overview


Energique Ahiflower Omega 3-6-9 is a complete essential fatty
acid supplement, made entirely from plant-based ingredients.
While offering superior benefits to flaxseed and other plant based oils, it is completely free of fish, providing a novel solution
to omega supplementation that is clean, vegan, and sustainable.
As a further advantage over algae-based products, regeneratively
grown Ahiflower oil has zero impact on stressed ocean
ecosystems and presents a more affordable option for patients.


The problems with supplementing essential fatty acids come
down to balancing bioavailability with palatability, patient
compliance, and environmental impact. While conventional fish
oil supplements provide a good source of EPA and DHA, the two
most important essential fatty acids in humans, sourcing these
key nutrients from fish comes with numerous disadvantages. Not
only has the fish oil industry contributed largely to overfishing,
depleting wild stocks and threatening marine ecosystems
worldwide, many of the fish species used in supplements are
contaminated by pollution, and have become a concentrated
source of toxins including PCBs and heavy metals. In addition,
the process of extracting oils from fish may not be as clean and
simple as extraction from plant-based sources. Patients who
are concerned with toxic exposures and environmental health,
as well as those who choose vegan lifestyles or have difficulty
tolerating the taste of fish, present problems to practitioners
seeking to offer the extraordinary benefits of essential fatty acids.
Other proposed solutions have been algae-based oils, which
may contain EPA and DHA but are cost-prohibitive
to many patients and do not avoid the problems of
marine pollution and environmental impact, as large scale production requires cultivation in ocean waters.
While plant-based sources of essential fats solve
many of these problems, most plant oils, including
flaxseed, only supply omega-3 ALA, which must be
converted to EPA and DHA in the body. Research
suggests that only 8% of dietary ALA may be
converted to EPA under normal conditions.


Energique Ahiflower Omega 3-6-9 provides a solution to
essential fatty acid supplementation that is made from completely
plant-based ingredients, while offering superior benefits to
flaxseed and other oils. Its key benefits come from the novel
use of Ahiflower (Buglossoides arvensis) seed oil as a source
of ALA and SDA, a lesser-known omega-3 fatty acid. As the
best dietary source of stearidonic acid (SDA), a precursor to
EPA and intermediate in its conversion from ALA in the human
body, Ahiflower oil is converted to EPA more efficiently than
other plant sources of omega-3, and is scientifically proven to
raise tissue EPAs levels more effectively than flaxseed oil . In
addition to being non-GMO and regeneratively grown, Ahiflower
oil is also a source of omega-6 GLA, which is not available in
significant amounts from any marine or algae-based source.
In addition to providing 1400mg of omega-3 ALA, 565mg
of omega-3 SDA, 150mg of omega-6 GLA, and 200mg
of omega-9 oleic acid per single teaspoon serving, the
product’s additional ingredients include organic lime and
orange essential oils and organic stevia leaf extract, for a
natural flavor profile that is free of harmful additives.


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